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5 Simple Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Website

 5 Simple Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Website

The internet has revolutionized how people communicate with one another and do business, but it has also changed the way that businesses have to market themselves. Websites no longer just have to attract visitors; they need to do so in order to drive customers, or at least prospects, to their products or services. There are many ways to get more traffic to your website, and not all of them are within your control, but there are some things you can do as well. Here are five simple ways you can get more traffic to your website so that your business grows in the future.

5 Simple Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Website
5 Simple Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Website

Choose the Best Keywords.

When you first start developing a website, it’s important to select keywords that are used by your target audience. You may be surprised at how much more time people spend on Google searching for information than you might have guessed. If you find that your business would benefit from having a Facebook presence, for example, then make sure your keywords include Facebook and social media.

 Include common misspellings of your keywords (i.e. include Facebook in both capital letters and lowercase letters) as well as synonyms (i.e., use both Facebook and social networking site). Once you have chosen your top keywords, ensure they appear on all pages of your website.

Write Quality Posts.

It’s tempting to fill your site with as many posts as possible, but that strategy is a short-term solution. After all, if you put up five posts a week and none of them are any good, then you’re just spreading bad content. 

Instead, try to focus on quality over quantity. Spend more time developing your ideas and refining your prose so you can post less frequently but be sure each post is high-quality. 

You’ll ultimately get more out of each piece because readers will come back for more! At first, it might feel like a slower burn than posting frequently—but it will yield better results long-term. And who doesn’t want that?.

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Update Frequently.

One of my favorite tips for getting more traffic is also one of my simplest. I tell every startup founder: Update your site as often as possible. If you don’t have new and relevant information, there’s no reason why someone should come back. Sites that update their content on a daily or weekly basis are more likely to get links from authoritative sites and search engines. 

When updating a site, focus on posting original, useful content—like tips for other small businesses—to attract search engine traffic. Remember, if it doesn’t help anyone else, it probably isn't going to help you either.

Use Shareable Content Types.

Create content people want to share. If you want people to check out your website, make sure it's packed with great resources that are valuable and engaging. Shareable content types include: how-to guides, data-driven information, interactive tools and calculators, creative imagery and infographics, etc. It's not about what you say; it's about what you enable others to say or do with your information.

 The more easily shared your content is, the more likely it will be seen by a wider audience. Make sure your site is mobile friendly. Google has announced they’ll begin looking at mobile friendliness as a ranking factor in 2015. 

This means if your site isn’t optimized for viewing on mobile devices, you could lose traffic from Google searches (and other search engines). Use keywords wisely: Keywords are words or phrases that users type into search engines when looking for something online.

Optimize for Social Media.

Social media sites have now become a major source of traffic for most websites and blogs. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube and other social media platforms are accessible from any computer or mobile device with an Internet connection. 

They allow you to share content easily with friends and customers—or anyone else who might be interested in what you have to say. Even if your site has a large number of visitors every day, sharing your posts on social media can help increase your exposure exponentially and get more people checking out your website. 

Start following these tips today so you can begin optimizing your website for social media!.

Optimize your website’s meta tags: Meta tags are HTML code that provide information about a web page’s content, author and keywords. While search engines no longer use meta tags as heavily as they used to (in part because they want web pages to be readable by humans first), they still provide value in helping search engines better understand how to categorize your web page and how it relates to other similar pages. 

Make sure you fill out all of the available meta tag fields when publishing new pages on your site! The more descriptive you are, the better chance that relevant users will find you.
